The Warming Shelter Needs Our Help

The Warming Shelter in Sioux City is a cause that's been close to our hearts for years here at NWIA. This fall and winter, they need our help as they prepare to open for the upcoming cold weather season. The shelter has a long history of successfully caring for the most vulnerable members of our community by providing assistance and a warm refuge during the cold winter months.
From now to November 12, NWIA will be accepting the following items for the shelter. Members who prefer can donate cash or check, and NWIA staff will happily purchase needed items on your behalf.
Items will be delivered to the shelter together by NWIA staff and board members the week of November 15. We are looking forward to the chance to be of great help as the shelter prepares to open soon.
Please remember that there are NO kitchen services available at the shelter. Items must be individually packaged or microwaveable.
The shelter is currently requesting the following food items:
- Coffee
- Hot chocolate
- Ramen Cup Of Noodles
- Individually wrapped snacks: crackers, granola bars, fruit cups, chips, etc.)
- Instant individual oatmeal packets
- Microwave popcorn bags
- Breakfast bars or Pop Tarts
- Bottled water
The shelter is requesting the following non-food items:
- Disposable paper products: plates, bowls, cutlery
- Styrofoam coffee cups
- Napkins or paper towels
- Liquid laundry soap
- Medical exam gloves: size medium or extra large
- Disinfecting wipes or spray
- All purpose cleaners
- Ziploc bags: quart and gallon size
- 55 gallon trash bags
- Travel sized personal care items: deodorant, shampoo
- Foot powder
- Shaving supplies for men and women (razors, creams)
- ChapStick
- Large storage tubs
- New backpacks
- Men's jeans (any size)
- New undergarments for men and women
It's our honor to support this worthy cause in the Sioux City community. Please help us be a blessing to those who need a hand in our area this winter.
**No blankets, sheets, pillows or other bedding is being accepted.**