Welcome To April’s New Members 2017


April showers bring May flowers, and the month also brought several new faces to the board.  Please join us in welcoming the following new members to NWIA.  Find all of the contact information for these folks, and all of our NWIA members, in our website member and affiliate directories. Amanda Hegeman, Frost Mortgage Dakota Dunes Read More »

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Welcome March New Members

Welcome card

Join us in welcoming four new folks to NWIA in the month of March.  We’re pleased to see our family grow by two new agents and two new affiliates.  Contact information for these folks, and every member, is always available on our website here for members, or here for our affiliates. Keith Meiers, J&M Real Read More »

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New Faces In February

New Members sign

NWIA continues to grow, as three new faces joined our organization during the month of February.  Welcome to the following members, and best of luck as you embark on this crazy career called real estate!  Contact information for these folks, and all our NWIA members can always be found on our website. New REALTOR® Members Read More »

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Say “Hey” To Our New Folks!

Welcome card

We had several new members join us in the last month or so. Give these peeps a high five as you have a chance to meet them. Contact information for these folks, and all our NWIA members can always be found in the member directory on our website. REALTOR® Members Mary Einck, ISB Services Inc. Read More »

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2016 Recap: By The Numbers

NWIA counties

2016 was a year of growth and change around the Northwest Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS®.  We added new faces, hosted scores of meetings, events, and education, and we had some fun along the way too.  Check out our accomplishments and join us for more fun and excitement in 2017!    

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